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Morning Birding Series - Finding Birds

  • 06/25/2014
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center
“Field marks” are those aspects of an individual bird that are unique. They allow us to separate one bird from another, males from females, and younger birds from adults.

We’ll look at classic field marks such as eye rings, malar stripes, and stick pins.We’ll talk about bird size (we can compare everything to an American Robin), proportions (is the tail relatively long or short?), and flight pattern (straight and fast, undulating, circling).

Learning to recognize bird songs and vocalizations can help you identify particularly illusive birds, even if you can’t see them.

And, oh yes, color! Terry will help train your eye and hone our skills at finding and identifying birds.

Binoculars & bird books available to borrow.
Please, no pets.

Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center
3188 Sunset Peak Road.  Take 8th Street north through Boise's North End.  From the end of the pavement go 1/3 mile farther.

Phone:  208.493.2530

  Harris Ranch Wildlife Mitigation Association

   PO Box 1949
   Boise, ID 83701
   (208) 515-7413

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